Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Front Royal to Bristol VA

Reasonable nights sleep in the Cool Harbor Hotel at Front Royal. The room was clean and  spacious. I had decided to take the skyline drive from Front Royal this is a scenic drive throughout the shenandoa national park it is along the ridge line, at placed reaching 3500  feet. The views  are  superb there are over looks at various points  and you can see for miles  it was a bit misty. It takes a while to get in to just bumbling along but after a while I started to pull into the over looks both to have a look and to jot down a few ideas in my note book so  while I spent a long time to travel 100 miles I managed to download quite a bit of stuff. I would have likes to drive the Blue ridge parkway but was told that would take four days!

The next bit was a 250 mile dash to bristol along the interstates. These are generally two lane and can be a bit aggressive, with the truckers wanting to go at the max speed limit of 70mph  or even more, they tend to push you along a bit. They also seem to like overtaking each other on hills which causes a tail back as they struggle to pass.  I am pretty sure that they can travel at well over 80 mph. I seem to be the only person trying to stick to the speed limit, which the sign posts say is enforced by Aircraft. I have seen a few unmarked police cars  which had stopped cars ( thus were now revealed)  and were all flashing blue and red.

Econo Hotel Bristol   is a bit basic. clean where you can see, but I had to move a bedside cabinet to get at a power socket and it was filthy.

I have a 225 mile dash to Chattanooga as the next phase.

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